Friday, July 5, 2024

Seabourn Venture Arctic expedition part 3

Yesterday was all about icebergs and wildlife!! Our zodiac cruise got us close to a deep blue iceberg near Woodfjorden. 
 Amazing to hear the cracking from the erosion of the sea water. Also saw a predator bird called a Parasitic Jaeger that attacks the Kittywakes. Birds going after birds!!  

As we were heading to our next planned zodiac landing sight, several polar bears were spotted. They have a super zoom camera on the bridge and are able to broadcast that to the ships televisions. A mom and her cub pulling carcasses out of the water and feeding.
 Another ship had its zodiacs out which is a banned practice and that company will likely be fined or banned from Svalbard.  

Along our journey we also saw a huge huddle of walruses on an island.
 Some of them would walk for a short distance and then roll the rest of the way. 
 We weren't too far from where we saw the polar bears so I was surprised they hadn't discovered their main course instead of grazing on carcasses.  

Today there is a morning landing on a small island where you can do a hike.

 We decided to stay on board and enjoy the views from breakfast. I did our laundry earlier and we enjoyed some eggs with avocado!! Later today we are supposed to head further north, closer to the North Pole where we may encounter sea ice and as The Doors said, "Break On Through To The Other Side".

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