Saturday, July 6, 2024

Helsinki Part 1

Today we had a tour of the city center plus a visit to Suomenlinna which is the location of a former military fortress. Saw the Olympic Stadium used in 1952. Saw a monument for a famous Finnish musician Jean Sibelius. It looks like pipes from an organ but it isn't. 
Sibelius was actually a violinist, pianist and wrote seven symphonies. We also visited a very cool library called Oodi. It has amazing views of the city. 
 Plus cafes, coffee shops and one floor dedicated to virtual reality, 3D printing and laser printing. And of course books. We had a break for some snacks and went with a Number 10 along with a local beer. 
The vendace are like an anchovy or smelt and were so tasty!! My dad would have loved them!! They were pan fried and you just eat them whole. We had some chili and garlic mayo for dipping. Then some pear soft serve. First time ever seeing that and it was tasty!! 
 We then took a ferry to Suomenlinna. This is a huge island partly an old fortress, part museums and part shops and restaurants. You could spend all day here. We found an old German submarine.
 We were here for about two hours and only were able to see so much.  

After our return to the city center, we found a place for lunch called Savotta. We had traditional salmon soup along with a tasty Arctic char on top of a savory chanterelle mushroom sauce. 
 Salmon soup here is equivalent to a cheese steak in Philly, a Cuban sandwich in Tampa or a lobster roll in Maine. Every restaurant seems to have one on their menu, claiming it to be the best. Being my first one I had nothing to compare to. But it was delicious. Not thick like some fish soups. Brightened up with dill. My only complaint was there were two many potatoes.  

We also stopped by Helsinki Bryggeri which is a local brewery.
 Tried four of their beers and earned my UnTappd Finnish badge. After that we headed back to the hotel. On the way, we noticed a concert on the Esplanade so we bought an ice cream to get a seat to listen. 
Tomorrow we have another tour where we'll head to Liesjarvi about 100 km northwest of the city center. We'll have a nature hike along with a campfire lunch.

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