Sunday, September 1, 2024

Jackson Wyoming Night 2 / Rafting on the Snake River

 This morning we had an rafting excursion on the Snake River. We met in the lobby of the hotel at 8:30 and were seated in our raft by 9:15. It was such a peaceful thirteen miles and two and a half hours down the Snake River. We mostly saw birds unless you count the dogs being walked.

Several eagles and some wild ducks that walked in water. We were dropped off at the hotel about Noon. We headed to the cabin to drop off our stuff and find a place for lunch. Our rafting guide had recommended Still West Brewing. This was about a twenty minute walk down Cache Street, just at the base of Snow King Mountain. Some delicious beers. My favorite was Cosmic Nebula which is a hazy IPA. Angie enjoyed a black bean burger with truffle fries and I had n Fried Idaho Trout sandwich. Both excellent.

We then walked back toward the hotel, stopping at the visitor center for the National Elk Refuge. They have a huge area where the elk, prong horn deer, mule deer and other wildlife use when they migrate down from the mountains in the fall.  

They haven't started that process yet.  We then headed back to the cabin for a mandatory rest period. Then, we hit a couple of the local watering holes. Million Dollar Cowboy Bar and Silver Dollar Bar. The latter has fancy saloon doors!!   Had a nice meal at Gather which is a place with small and large plates meant for sharing.  We had crispy Brussels Sprouts, pork buns and Mediterranean burrata. The Brussels were good but couldn't beat the ones we had in Cody at Trailhead.

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