Saturday, August 24, 2024

Rapid City Day 2


We had an early start to the day!!  Wonderful breakfast at Tally's Silver Spoon with a breakfast burrito covered in green chili sauce and house made granola with yogurt and fresh fruit.  Then a quick Lyft ride to Dinosaur Park for such amazing views. 

We had a fantastic afternoon in Rapid City!!  We took a short Lyft from Dinosaur Park to the Journey museum. And we had the same driver that had picked us up after breakfast.  To my disappointment, Steve Perry wasn't there!!   He had to go his separate ways!! But they do let you experience the museum any way you want it.   Seriously, this is a museum that showcases much of the geologic , paleontologic and general history of this area.  

If you are into rocks and sediment, this would be the place for you. They also have a very impressive collection of native American art and artifacts. Plus a massive collection of pieces found from Custer's expeditions. 

After the museum we needed some lunch.  Angie found Independent Ale House back in the downtown area. We got our Lyft and headed there.  They had an impressive list of fifty beers!!  My favorite was Toppling Goliath's Fandango Dragon. It is a milkshake IPA sour with hints of passion fruit and mango. I also enjoyed the Spread It PBJ sour from Drekker. Much better than a similar beer we had at Woodland Republic.  You immediately tasted jammy goodness followed by hints of peanut butter.  Truly an adult liquid Uncrustable.  Honorable mention to the Resist Mango from Brewing Projekt.  Angie's favorite was Fairy Nectar from Kris Strain, her first beer from a brewery in Nebraska.

They also had some amazing flatbreads.  We had an Italian Pesto with sausage.  And the most surprisingly tasty one was their flatbread of the day.  It had succulent pork belly along with cucumber, thin red onion and watermelon. Sounds like a strange combination but was so delicious.  Kind of like a watermelon feta salad.

After lunch we went next door to Presidential Pawn.  They had some fascinating collections of clocks as well as a piece of the carpet that Saddam Hussein had that was made from US dollar bills!!  

And nearby was the Prairie Edge gallery and gift shop. They had an impressive display of native American art.  And something I had never seen before: A bead library. Multiple rows filled with every kind of bead imaginable. 

We then headed back to the hotel for a mandatory rest period. We had a meeting at 6 pm to meet our Tour Director and group. It was about an hour and a half introductions, briefing and questions. We are going to see a lot. We went to Kathmandu Bistro for a great Nepalese dinner. 

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