Friday, August 30, 2024

Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park


Yesterday we made our way from Mammoth Hot Springs to the Old Faithful Inn. Along the way we stopped at some scenic view points including one area that had all kinds of thermal pools. The most interesting was the one that is called the Painter's Pot. Amazing to see bubbling mud!!  

We were soon at the resort.  Our resort was directly at Old Faithful and there were so many people gathered.  At the front desk they have a schedule of the estimated eruptions of the geysers.  

 We figured that it would be a good time to grab lunch before the crowds descended. It was a great idea!!  We had some local beers, burgers and wings. All staples of Yellowstone National Park!!We explored the visitor center and listened to a ranger talk. We decided to take a stroll around the Geyser Point. On our way we happened to catch Old Faithful irrupting. Lots of oohs and aahs from the large crowd gathered. 

We made our way to the Geyser Point trail. It was so fascinating to see all these smaller geysers and pools. In my mind I thought there was just Old Faithful, and that's it. Old Faithful is interesting to see, and you should see it.  But if you don't take at least some time to walk around to see the others, you're really missing out. After the walk we had a mandatory rest period in our room.

Our tour director has made us reservations at the hotel restaurant and we headed there at 6:45. We both had the most amazing wedge salads as starters!  This was both halves of a small head of iceberg!!   In addition to a creamy blue cheese dressing, it came with some nice additions of pickled onion, pickled crunchy sweet peppers, sundried tomato and of course some bacon.

Angie enjoyed the trout for her main and I had some tasty fried chicken which was accompanied by cheese grits and a tasty vinegar slaw with sweet peppers.   After dinner we headed to the mezzanine and enjoyed some local bourbon while we saw a nighttime viewing of Old Faithful.   

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