Thursday, March 13, 2014

3.7.14 - 3.9.14 Spring Training and Camping at Myakka River State Park

Friday night we packed and headed down to Myakka River State Park. We left the house around 6:30 pm and had everything set up by 9:30 pm. We had a great campsite 13 in the quiet loop. Overnight it was pretty chilly, but we made it through. Saturday morning was gorgeous. We had a relaxing morning drinking coffee and reading by the fire. 

Around 11:30 am, we headed out to Sarasota for the Baltimore Orioles v. Boston Red Sox Spring Training game at Ed Smith Field. It was nice and sunny! 

The Red Sox had a rough day. We'll blame it on the Split Squad. 

After the game, we headed to a local bar call Beer Box. They had a row of Cigar City on tap and we were really impressed with the knowledgeable bartender. 

After happy hour - we headed to Venice to have dinner with my grandparents. We tried for Sharkey's but the line was 1 hour and a half long so we ended up at the Daiquiri Deck. The food was pretty good and the oysters were great. It was fun getting to see them. 

We headed back to the campsite for wine by the fire. It was a beautiful clear night so we got to see a lot of stars. 

Sunday morning we packed up and headed to Bradenton for the Pittsburgh Pirates v. Boston Red Sox Spring Training. Again, the day was gorgeous. Buckner was pitching so that was fun. We got to watch him warming up. 

The Park was pretty cool. It has a bar in the outfield. 

Overall, it was a terrific weekend! 

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